
How to Supercharge Your Immune System
& 5 Herbs to Help

Doctors are finding that stress is related to as much as 80% of disease; stress is the number one predictor to your immune system disrupting your emotions and your physical health. When your body’s natural defense system is compromised, it opens the door for frequent colds and viral infections.

If you’re prone to high stress levels and your immune system is already weakened, then you might suffer stronger symptoms of the ailment. Stress reduction techniques are the best place to start and can include anything from meditation, exercise, drinking plenty of water and getting out-of-doors to breath fresh air and connect with nature.

Nutrition also plays a vital role in strengthening your immune system.  Make sure you get plenty of vitamins and nutrients that balance your body’s needed intake.  Try to eat with the color of the rainbow in mind, mixing a combination of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, and grains. This will ensure the full spectrum of antioxidants and phytochemicals, the special chemicals found in plants that reduce inflammation and protect against disease.

Many natural herbs can provide a boost in your immune system, help to rejuvenate and slow the agine process.  Here are a few to look to for their immunity-enhancing qualities.

Astragalus is generally used as a tonic. In Chinese medicine, it’s been touted to restore the immune system and help tissue cells regenerate.  They’ve found it creates a natural obstacle to cancer cell growth and provides many other health benefits.  Specific to the immune system, it increases the white blood cells that act as your army of protection against foreign invaders.

St. John’s Wort and garlic have been active in helping fight Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  Aside from inhibiting infections of AIDS patients, they’ve also been known to prevent herpes outbreaks, an obvious sign of their immune-boosting powers.

Turmeric is a spice made from the root of the tropical plant, Curcuma longa.  It’s commonly used in mustards and Indian foods such as curry. Turmeric is packed with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called Cox-2 inhibitors.  Some research suggests turmeric can stop inflammation about half as effectively as steroids such as cortisone, which makes it valuble in staving off arthritis.  Click here for more information on Turmeric.

Milk Thistle, a relative of the artichoke, appears to protect the liver which is vital to the body’s ability to detoxify itself of waste and toxins. It contains silymarin, which strengthens cell membranes and boosts the organ’s ability to repair itself.

Amalaki is an Ayurvedic superfood, long heralded as the “Great Rejuvenator.” The fruit is a powerhouse of antioxidants, polyphenols, tannins, bioflavanoids, amino acids, trace minerals and other beneficial phytonutrients.  In addition to its ability to boost the immune system, it is chalk full of health benefits including promoting cellular rejuvenation, fighting against inflammation, improving digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall intestinal health as well as possessing anti-aging properties.  Click here for more information on Amalaki.